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March 2021

Baby Step

康復旅途中的陪伴自己 Baby step 而每天的操練 日復一日的練習吃的好 睡的好 安住於當下,這個身體內,變成另一條我們用磚砌的橋,通往另一方 With increased use comes increased problems: Public land managers must contend with people hiking off-trail, driving or parking …

小天使小惡魔計畫 來 來學習和自己的壞念頭頂嘴

Before we get started 如果你覺得,現階段的你,衷心的肯定自己還離你太過遙遠,先來練習我們的小惡魔計畫,學會和自己的負面念頭聊天,我們平起平坐,學會接受了解,反策自己的負面念頭 With increased use comes increased problems: Public land managers must contend with people hiking off-trail, driving or parking off-road, trampling …

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