這世上永遠有一個人為你加油,也永遠有一個人需要你為之努力 我知道今天又不是容易的一天,隔壁的同事又說了不該說的話,老闆臉色彷彿天要塌下來,該繳又過期的的帳單堆到了腳踝,又或許,小孩給你擺的臉色,和和你相對無言的老公/老婆。 而最兇的大概是妳心裡的那個聲音,又開始責罵自己怎麽什麼都做不好,為什麼沒有一件事順利,憂鬱的說不出話來,卻可以在心中咒罵自己300回。 別忘了公平,和自己說好,如果我聽進了別人的酸言酸雨,那也得接納別人的春風如沐, 不一昧的將自己放在困在自己的思維模式中。 公平的接受每一種可能 我可能失敗,但也可能成功。當我們願意去接受每一種可能性,不管是好的壞的,我們都給予了自己強大的力量,因為這不是雞湯,而是不再故步自封,而是給予自己可能性,不活在自己為自己幻想孤單無依失敗的未來中。為自己賦能,打破幻影的牢籠,方能看清那中陰身中的妖魔鬼怪,魑魅魍魎,迷離的背後轉身只是恐懼待援的我們。而在世界上,永遠都有一個站你這邊,時時刻刻為你加油,等你回家的人— 那個既熟悉又陌生的你自己,微笑的對我們對自己說:歡迎回家~ And then, my friend, when darkness overspreads my eyes, and heaven and earth seem to dwell in …
Too much texture, Too many distractions
Before we get started Smooth surfaces and white walls keep the small space feeling open and airy. “We didn’t want too much texture or too …
Allowing natural light to easily flow
Before we get started Smooth surfaces and white walls keep the small space feeling open and airy. “We didn’t want too much texture or too …
Modern horse whisperer: Shannon Wellington
Before we get started Smooth surfaces and white walls keep the small space feeling open and airy. “We didn’t want too much texture or too …
My heartbeat follows drumsticks
Before we get started Smooth surfaces and white walls keep the small space feeling open and airy. “We didn’t want too much texture or too …
A journey of chasing dreams of Tyng
Before we get started Smooth surfaces and white walls keep the small space feeling open and airy. “We didn’t want too much texture or too …
When I look at the world, I look with my soul
Before we get started Smooth surfaces and white walls keep the small space feeling open and airy. “We didn’t want too much texture or too …